Date: 26.4.2021
Minutes: Nico Leuenberger
Present: Nico Leuenberger, Laura Bachmann, Gianfranco Salis, Andreas Wullschleger, Karla Gútierrez Valverde, Maimona Mejri, Rico F. Lüthi, Manfred Hunziker,Irina Katinka Horvath
Minutes 2020
Review 2020/21
We have had an exciting year.
AG Online/Eventgruppe has already organized numerous events, thank you also at this point!
Laura and Nico launched “Scho ghört?”, the club’s podcast.
Membership Report
Currently 32 members. 4 of them are producers. 15 more have not paid yet, but have already signed up. New members are joining every week.
Annual account 2020
Nico explains the annual account 2020. We vote on Zoom. The annual account is approved unanimously.
Reporting 2020
The Podcast Club Switzerland closes the year 2020 with a profit of Fr. 4’378.84. Below you will find the balance sheet and income statement:
Budget 2021
The board proposes a budget with a small profit of Fr. 396.- with a budget total of Fr. 35’080.-.
Foreseen are in particular a larger continuing education program, which the club would like to offer, provided that the financing comes about. Furthermore, we plan to conduct a comprehensive podcast study, which we would like to partially finance, as well as the operation of the Podcast Tower until June 2021.
The transfer of the Podcast Tower to Tinka Media will generate an extraordinary loss this year amounting to the residual value of the Tower (Fr. 12’908.-). However, the club has already generated this amount through donations during the construction of the studio, visible in the balance sheet as retained earnings in the amount of Fr. 11’511.23.-
Nico explains the budget. The planned podcast study meets with good feedback. The budget is approved without dissenting votes.
Studio spin-off
Andreas explains the position of the board (see justification in the invitation).
Carla: Board has thought this through, so the spin-off makes sense.
The spin-off is approved unanimously.
Board elections
Maimona and Karla introduce themselves.
All previous members and the two new ones are re-elected. Laura and Nico are re-elected as co-presidents.
Courses and Workshops
Gianfranco informs about the planned 3-year project we are planning with the Mercator Foundation. A podcast course for beginners is planned for the first year with regular evening courses and one intensive weekend per quarter.
Podcast Club members can volunteer as mentors and run this course for a fee.
Directory of services
Andi informs about the directory. Producer-Members who want to be listed send a photo and a text to
Carla points out that the communication between the event team and the board could be better. Both sides will keep each other better informed in the future and will also meet soon.